NIROX Sculpture Park
Cradle of Humankind
Next event:
Saturday 7 November 2020

arteBOTANICA 2019 celebrated fashion, art and music through nature,
whilst acknowledging the importance of sustainability.
Demographically it reached the heart of South Africa, especially its youth
and creative communities – the groundswell of the future.
It is a platform for expansion, improvement and new opportunities - to create an
annual festival of diverse arts – ephemeral but etched in memory.
On Saturday 7 November 2020
designers, performers and visual artists
will collaborate without boundaries once more;
presenting images, costumes, garments, sounds, movements
and installations throughout the Sculpture Park.
Closing with an outdoor evening catwalk
in the amphitheatre
while the sun sets on the surrounding hills
of the Cradle of Humankind,
humanity’s ancestral home...

Manthe Ribane
Creative Director